15 research outputs found


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    The results of developing a method of distribution of the frequency and time resources downlink technology LTE were presented. The proposed method is aimed to ensure the quality of service of wireless for users by allocating the user station required capacity in the downlink. A comparative analysis were done of the proposed method with known solutions of distribution time-frequency resources of LTE technology in terms of the overall performance of the downlink, the degree of balancing capacity, as well as the confidence level allocating user stations required capacity.Приведены результаты разработки метода распределения частотного и временного ресурсов нисходящего канала связи технологии LTE. Предложенный метод направлен на обеспечение гарантированного качества обслуживания пользователей беспроводной сети путем выделения пользовательским станциям требуемой пропускной способности в нисходящем канале связи. Проведен сравнительный анализ предложенного метода с известными решениями распределения частотно-временного ресурса технологии LTE с точки зрения обеспечения общей производительности нисходящего канала связи, степени балансировки пропускной способности, а также доверительной вероятности выделения пользовательским станциям требуемой пропускной способности.Наведено результати розробки методу розподілу частотного і часового ресурсів низхідного каналу зв’язку технології LTE. Запропонований метод напрямлений на забезпечення гарантованої якості обслуговування користувачів бездротової мережі шляхом виділення користувальницькою станціям необхідної пропускної спроможності в низхідному каналі зв’язку. Проведено порівняльний аналіз запропонованого методу з відомими рішеннями розподілу частотно-часового ресурсу технології LTE з точки зору забезпечення загальної продуктивності низхідного каналу зв’язку, ступеня балансування пропускної спроможності, а також довірчої ймовірності виділення користувальницькою станціям необхідної пропускної здатності.

    Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique

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    كانت محاكاة القماش والرسوم المتحركة موضوعًا للبحث منذ منتصف الثمانينيات في مجال رسومات الكمبيوتر. إن فرض عدم الضغط مهم جدًا في محاكاة الوقت الفعلي. على الرغم من أن هناك إنجازات كبيرة في هذا الصدد ، إلا أنها لا تزال تعاني من استهلاك الوقت غير الضروري في خطوات معينة شائعة في التطبيقات في الوقت الفعلي. يطور هذا البحث محاكاة قماش في الوقت الفعلي لشخصية بشرية افتراضية مرتدية ملابس. وقد حققت هذه المخطوطة الاهداف في محاكاة القماش على الشخصية الافتراضة من خلال تعزيز إطار الديناميكيات القائمة على الموقع من خلال حساب سلسلة من القيود الموضعية التي تنفذ كثافات ثابتة. أيضا ، يتم تنفيذ التصادم الذاتي والاصطدام مع الكبسولات المتحركة لتحقيق قماش سلوك واقعي على غرار الرسوم المتحركة. وذلك لتمكين عدم قابلية المقارنة والالتقاء مقارنة بمذيبات دالة تشوه جيب التمام عند التنفيذ ، نحقق تصادمًا محسنًا بين الملابس ، ومزامنة الرسوم المتحركة مع محاكاة القماش وتحديد خصائص القماش للحصول على أفضل النتائج الممكنة. لذلك ، تم تحقيق محاكاة القماش في الوقت الحقيقي ، مع إخراج معقول ، على الشخصية الافتراضية المتحركة. ندرك أن طريقتنا المقترحة يمكن أن تكون بمثابة استكمال للبحوث السابقة في حقل ملابس الشخصيات الافتراضية.     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision with moving capsules is implemented to achieve realistic behavior cloth modelled on animated characters. This is to enable comparable incompressibility and convergence to raised cosine deformation (RCD) function solvers. On implementation, this research achieves optimized collision between clothes, syncing of the animation with the cloth simulation and setting the properties of the cloth to get the best results possible. Therefore, a real-time cloth simulation, with believable output, on animated VHC is achieved. This research perceives our proposed method can serve as a completion to the game assets clothing pipeline

    Environmental impact of using geothermal clean energy (heating and cooling systems) in economic sustainable modern buildings architecture design in Iraq:a review

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    Nowadays, with all the climate change problems that we face worldwide, engineers from different specialists work together towards Sustainability and finding solutions, and investigating its environmental impact thoroughly. Architectural, Chemical, environmental, civil engineers have always been closely linked in designing and constructing buildings. Geothermal energy is a local, resilient, reliable, ecologically benign, and sustainable form of the renewable energy system. This type of natural energy could be generated from the earth’s heat and takes a variety of purposes, including building heating and cooling, electricity generation, supplying warm/cold water for agricultural products in greenhouses, as well as balneological usage. Furthermore, geothermal energy isn’t affected by weather and could provide electricity and heat nearly constantly through the year. This study intends to investigate the opportunity of using geothermal energy in Iraq under the ground represents one of the sustainable energy resources we can use it will be a significant environmental benefit in our housing in air conditioning applications. This review gives a summary of geothermal energy systems in general. Topics addressed include: an introduction to the environments and the energy, also their relationship, a geothermal energy history brief, an overview of geothermal energy systems throughout the world and also through Iraq, and an overview of geothermal systems environmental impacts as well as the environmental impact of Sustainable buildings architecture design, are just a few of the topics covered. Hence, the achieved conclusions of this review can make changes towards sustainable environmental design

    Digital architecture and designing architecture space and ITS effect on future life strategy

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    Technological advancements have altered nearly every aspect of individuals’ existence and operation in society. When technologies develop, architecture evolves as well: the architectural techniques change, as does the architectural outcome. The digital revolution reflected on architecture, as did other scientific and life fields. Its impact on the work and architectural space was evident. The architectural production became not limited to designing in traditional ways and directing it as computer drawings. Still, it went beyond that, as the designs produced became the product of an intelligent design process directly influenced by the digital community in general. Architectural space has gone through many developments throughout history influenced by technology and building techniques on the one hand and by functional and environmental issues and human factors on the other hand. The architectural space appeared in the form of a living being that grows over time and is influenced by all the variables of the times and expresses the personality of its inhabitants. If the architect determines space and its composition according to human needs, it is also influenced by the imagination of architecture and its vision of freedom. Therefore, the problem of research was determined by "the lack of a clear vision of the development of architectural space and how it is affected by the digital revolution," where the research aims to identify indicators of the development of architectural space in light of digital development and how architectural thought deals with the changes brought about by information technology, and how it was expressed in the form of areas that meet the needs of users, which in turn changed in terms of sensory needs or physical needs. The research thus assumed "the existence of mechanisms, strategies, levels, and degrees of digital use within the process of designing architectural and urban space to generate digital space," and to achieve this will begin to learn about the evolution of space and what it is over time with a quick presentation of the most prominent developments in the architectural and urban space, especially in the recent years, to a final formulation of the characteristics of knowledge of digital areas

    The future of an intelligent and responsive architecture design after the COVID 19 epidemic

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    An intelligent building is much more than a set of walls; it’s a dynamic organism that employs integrated technologies to share data about the building among various systems to enhance efficiency and provide a better experience for its users. There are a number of challenges with intelligent buildings. They must respond to people’s requirements and needs, including their health and well-being; they must be resource-efficient, and they must include the most useful aspects of new technologies. The current COVID-19 outbreak has pushed architects to consider the future of architectural design technologies. Is it possible that the epidemic may influence the design of our buildings, causing them to become smarter or more intelligent? What role did architecture play throughout the epidemic and in the post-pandemic stage, as well? This paper aims to discuss the future of intelligent design technologies in light of the current Coronavirus epidemic and how it might reshape our architecture design. Finally, the impact of COVID-19 on people’s daily routines in the building design will be discussed


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    Liquid two-phase flow has been studied widely by many authors. Two phase flow exist in petroleum industries, nuclear power generation and chemical plants. In the present study a review on two phase flow such as oil/water was discussed, also the patterns of the flow and types of measurement are presented. Also a review on the new trends using the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) to predict the liquid-liquid two phase are viewed

    Flow and mixing of complex fluids

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    The mixing of complex fluids in stirred reactors is widly used in many industries. Mechanically agitated vessels are widely used in these industries such as wastewater treatment, pharmaceuticals, nuclear and food processing. Complex fluids are frequently encountered in these industries. There is growing interest in developing and studying these fluids, especially for those of shear thickening (ST) behaviour, due to the importance of their industrial applications such as flexible body armor and force damping applications which can protect a person from danger or risk and ultimately saveone’s life. Little work has been done to understand how to mix complex fluids effectively, mainly because of their opaque nature. In this thesis, new ST fluids formulations were developed and these fluids were used as a model fluid for mixing studies. The flow field in an opaque ST fluid was determined experimentally using the positron emission particle tracking (PEPT). In addition, the performance of axial, radial and mixed flow impellers in mixing complex fluids have been also studied using different experimental techniques and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Moreover, for the first time, PEPT has been used to investigate the flow field of floating particles in a stirred vessel. PEPT was used to investigate the two-phase flow field inside a stirred vessel of polypropylene particles in different types of rheological fluids, at the just drawdown speed for a wide range of solid concentrations from 1.8 vol% up to 46 vol%. The outcomes of this thesis are beneficial to many chemical processes, such as e.g. formulation processes in the pharmaceutical industry, whereby an essential step in the product development involving powder mixing is the ability to drawdown the floating solids. In addition, the outcome of this thesis can also be beneficial in identifying the ideal configuration of stirred vessels used in chemical processes where mixing is the central feature, for example, in the food and rubber industries. Moreover, the newly developed complex fluids (shear thickening fluids) can be used in many industrial and commercial applications such as in the defence industry (as liquid body armor) and also as part of the protective devices designed to minimise head and neck injuries that occur in some sports accidents such as in car racing, football, ice hockey etc